Friday, 12 October 2007

First tutorial, Start of project, Introduction to pixelation

Learnt some good stuff today. Firstly I began with my tutorial leson with Jooles. Sorted out linking this blog to the ntu bloggers webspace, as well as meeting the people who would be in my tutorial classes this year. After this I attended my first seminar with Andy on pixelation, where he summed up an interesting history of animation. This was informative and helped build a backbone to the type of work we were expected to produce this year. Finally, me, ollie, Kirsty, Katie and Craig were split into a group to carry out our first year module on animation. We began some basic ideas with moving chairs, with some pretty effective results :) We will be carrying on with this Wednesday which will be a fun day no doubt :) o yeh and I went up Notts for Georginas birthday. Happy Birthday!

Thanks, Scotty

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