Monday, 5 November 2007

Idea's for AV short single-shot film

Well today was'nt too productive, and ideas weren't coming all that naturally. However, we did decide that we wanted to use a location that would be far from student-like and allow us to carry out some form of surreal shot. A well cheesy movie but awesome in my opinion, Pride and Predudice uses some awesome shots in a really beautiful location of Chatsworth. We talked about choosing a location similar to this for our film, as it will cool to boast some shots using natural lighting and effects. The shot is shown below from Pride and Predudice, so skip to just near the end where the sun is rising :) This scene always gets me thinking to what the light represents as an inner meaning to the film, for example a "new start" or "fresh relationship".

The theme of a surreal female figure also cropped up in our ideas, which could be used really well in a location which is natural. I also know a rather talented piano player :) might come in useful.

We now need to consider who's doing what. Job wise I mean. So we will sort that no doubt when we meet up next :) and also explore other ideas which may give us options to the narration of our scene.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Scotty I'm loving the spanish subtitles uve got going there lol x x x