Friday, 20 March 2009

Final Flash game!!!

Finally, my Flash game is finished. The design is as I wanted and I'm well happy with the rotation. However, there are some problems with coin collection ann impact whenb under platforms! O well I'm well happy with it:)

You'll have to visit maeda to see it becuase the upload thing wont work again. Argh.

The game was designed to act as a Flash version of the popular I Phone App, Rolando.

Flash Game Evaluation.

Roller is a platform game designed at anyone who wishes to play around with an interesting and attractive interface. The aim of the game is to collect the coins and destroy the enemies, before making your way to the end of the platforms.

The game idea routed from a platform game on the I Phone, Rolando, which involves the user controlling characters towards a goal. I basically wanted to try and recreate a version that could be used on a basic computer, hence the use of Flash. I’ve always been interested in games that brag beautifully considered design, so Roller is designed to look good as well as work well. There were problems on the way to achieving this though.

The initial scripting came from tutorials online, most of which were found on Mr Sun Studios. This gave me the detailed coding experience to allow me to see what was happening throughout my code and how I could amend this to create a game which met all the standards I set out to achieve. The first problem developed when I created a Photoshop background to act as the stage. I needed the background to move along the opposite way to the character, so it appeared as though it was leaving this part of the level behind. Simply placing the background on the page meant that the only thing I could achieve was the background moving along with the character. I solved this by converting the background to a movie clip and then adding the following to my code:

lvlHolder.x += mainSpeed;
bck.x -= mainSpeed*-1;

lvlHolder.x -= mainSpeed;
bck.x += mainSpeed*-1;

and later in the code:

mcMain.x += mainMove;
lvlHolder.x += mainMove;
bgHolder.x = 0;
bck.x = -860;

I found that -860 was the precise value for the background to move left and right accurately and remain in the same static position. If this value hadn’t been precise, the background components such as the houses would move position on the stage and would’nt be on platforms like I wanted.

Towards the end of the project, I felt very frustrated that I had not been able to make the character rotate like I had originally planned at the start of my project. With some help, I was able to create a rotation which runs perfectly. This was achieved by adding the following code:

lvlHolder.x += mainSpeed;
bck.x -= mainSpeed*-1;

lvlHolder.x -= mainSpeed;
bck.x += mainSpeed*-1;

However, by setting the value high to run smoothly, it meant that the coins were difficult to collect. I have been unable to figure out how to change this, and so disappointed at the final piece’s function.

When comparing the Flash idea I had at the beginning of the project, I’m very happy with the final result. The design and appearance of the final piece looks and feels professional. The functionabilty however, could use some improvement so that the coins can be collected more freely, and the glitchy jumps become smoother.


Tuesday, 17 March 2009 -----> Midland Musicians!

Here's the final designs for my Midland Musicians pages, which will change slightly towards the end of the project. I now need help creating my sessions, as I'm having difficulty logging on to the users individual pages. Seeing Simon about this later. But anyway heres the pages:

Login page.
The login page will take the user directly to the Homepage, which will hold the script for showing the users profiles. The user then can route off from these areas to the other peoples profiles to view their images, comments and information.

Home Page.
As you can see there is no data in here at the moment, as the sessions page needs to be changed for the info to be shown. The links are fine, but I'm just having trouble showing the data in a way I want it to display :)

Members, Bands and Venues Pages.
These are all the same, displaying information about all of the desired topics. So all my members are shown with details I have chosen to dsiplay in the php.

Current game, without rotation of character :(

visit the link below to play :

Game reviews.

Red Beard.

The graphics used on this game are simple yet effective, using bright, vivid colours. The character lacks detail, however the simplicity and changing forms when the user directs him or jumps, is a clever way of varying the interaction.

Game play
The game itself involves the character collecting coloured orbs, to allow the platforms to move. This may be something I consider when creating my game, making the environment interactive; to allow the user to change the way they interact with the different elements. A weakness of the game is that there are no enemies to destroy, it’s simply a “get to the goal” styled game.

The game has a range of sounds. The music in the background is typical of a game like this, and the interaction sounds i.e. when the user collects an orb or enters the water are similar to platform games I’ve played on previous occasions.

Aside from the interaction there are also a number of animated graphics. The orbs bounce, the waves sway and the clouds move across the sky. This seems a good way to develop the game more professionally.

I think the game has potential, and could be interesting with some small changes to the environmental and game play aspects. The lack of enemies and difficulty is something which needs to be amended, as it’s really hard to get killed, unless under water for over five seconds. Something’s I’d like to use in my game are the animated aspects, which clearly offer the user with a more exciting and developed looking game.

Indiana Jones.


In comparison to the last game, the graphics are of a similar standard. The character itself is simple and uses a basic animation to move the legs as the user presses keys on the keyboard. The interface is clearly designed to flow through the levels with a clear understanding. The stone walls and floors, and Egyptian images, show the theme of the game successfully.

Game Play
The aim of the game is again to reach the goal. This is done by changing the environment, and so uses a similar way of programming as the previous game. There are problems though, when the bricks move up and down, even if they are up and safe, any contact will result in the user being hurt and loosing lives. The same is evident with the spikes, which are hard to avoid when falling through small gaps (shown above).

Because it’s a licensed game, the creator has used the theme music from the Indiana Jones game. The other sounds are when the user hits an object which is fatal to the character.

The animation in this game isn’t as exciting as you may expect. The lever is the only real object that the user can interact with, something which may be considered in future development. There is a good animation when the user hits a fatal object, where the screen changes colour.

The game is dull and boring, lacking in the parts of Flash game that we have come to love, such as animated backgrounds. The interface and game play are simple, but the user knows exactly what to do. Some of the levels are poor and there appears to be no change in the difficulty of levels.