Tuesday, 17 March 2009

maeda.ads.ntu.ac.uk -----> Midland Musicians!

Here's the final designs for my Midland Musicians pages, which will change slightly towards the end of the project. I now need help creating my sessions, as I'm having difficulty logging on to the users individual pages. Seeing Simon about this later. But anyway heres the pages:

Login page.
The login page will take the user directly to the Homepage, which will hold the script for showing the users profiles. The user then can route off from these areas to the other peoples profiles to view their images, comments and information.

Home Page.
As you can see there is no data in here at the moment, as the sessions page needs to be changed for the info to be shown. The links are fine, but I'm just having trouble showing the data in a way I want it to display :)

Members, Bands and Venues Pages.
These are all the same, displaying information about all of the desired topics. So all my members are shown with details I have chosen to dsiplay in the php.

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