Monday, 19 October 2009

Broadband to blame?

Been thinking somewhat over the weekend. We all love the effects of having fast broadband speeds, but surely there have been poor effects as well. Broadband must have made companies millions of pounds and saved excessive amounts of time over the past several years, however it also means that files can be transferred much faster, resulting in loss of sales due to the fact that music, television can be downloaded much faster than driving to the nearest town.

"Shared content on one network was worth about £12 billion per year according to the research commissioned by the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property (SABIP)."

"Creative industries provide about 8% of British GDP. Digital copying of their products resulted in the estimated loss of 4,000 jobs in 2004."

"It claimed that 70% of those aged 15 to 24 do not feel guilt about downloading music for free from the Internet and 61% of the age group do not feel they should have to pay for the music they listen to, according to a recent survey." -

Perhaps the last quote is one which catches my attention for this project. We have not been given an age group to aim the site at, perhaps on a whole? However, I feel the most important are those aged between 15-24. Attitude towards file sharing and its effects on peoples lives is clearly not something that one thinks about when illegal downloading. But it is effecting jobs and careers everywhere, and this is something that needs to change and be made clear to those guilty.


IndoorHeroes said...
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Erebus-Styx said...

Interesting point, here is the otherside of the story