Sunday, 16 March 2008

Over Easter...

Right the plan is; the redesign of my avatar from the feedback given during my assessment presentation. I was told that my worked lacked development, so I have decided to purchase a new sketchbook and work on the redesign of a new avatar, using a similar ideas as before, but adding and amending important attributes to reveal more about me as a person. This will be done over Easter, alongside my interactives project which will involve me sketching up some ideas for my cabin design. I have also began developing the avatars which will act as my freinds in my work, and animating these.

My cabin design will be based on an idea that I have thought about over the last few weeks. My intro video (the previous project), ends with the camera panning around the indie of the cabin. This will be cut from the video, and the music will change into some songs that reveal the choice of music I favour. The user will then start outside the door, with the music sounding distant. Although the cabin looks small from the outside, when the user clicks on the door it will open into a large music style venue, where all my friends will greet the avatar the user is in the first person view of (i.e. my avatar). These friend avatar will be similar in design to mine, however, I will use small aspects of their idenitity within their piece. Of course, I wont be spending too much time on this as it is about my identity, but I felt it was a good idea to show the importance and relevance of friends within my work.
When the user is in the cabin, a series of repeated animations, such as dancing avatars, drinking avatars, instrument playing avatars will be shown, until the next click, perhaps a choice of where the user wants to go within the cabin. This could be over to my family, over to my close friends, to get a drink, to watch the band etc. There will also be aspects such as the AV part of this project incorporated into the cabin environment.

My idea for the AV, is to return back to the outside world to reveal some inner parts of my identity. For example, I thought about using the mountains, not only to show my interest in climbing and hiking, but also to show my aspirations in life, such as career goals. So as the avatar climbs, the opacity of the video increases whilst a flashes of these goals are shown perhaps?

Alot of work to be done, but im thoroughly looking forward to the challenge. I will be blogging regurlaly so keep checking out my progress into the second part of the identities project. Leave any comments you feel could help my work.

Thanks Scotty x

1 comment:

Jools said...

really good response to the feedback.