Monday, 3 March 2008

Whey 50th post....and a good one at that

Done and dusted. My avatar and environment are completed. I finished my avatar last week, but was struggling for ideas on how I would create the environment, what it would include and how I would animate such an area. I began creating a rural area for the project, where my character would have a small house, with some of my 3D objects and possesions inside (my box basically). This will be the next stage of my development, where I will create almost a cabin, where the avatar, interactives and ident will be portrayed.

This will come in after a pan around the environment I have designed my 3D avatar to be situated within. I created the environment, partly using Max, partly using Vue, a 3D enviroment alternative, with the exact interface of Max. This allowed me to create a scene which I am 100% satisfied with, whilst keeping intergration between the two pieces of software perfect. The software also allowed me to create reflections on my materials, and so the environment is fully transferred onto the matt of my avatar. I will finalise the design, by making the area bigger, so that a fly though of the environment can be achieved, until the cabin is reached and entered by the user.

I'm really excited about the next part of the project, and the end result. :)

Some screenshots of my final avatar in the environment:

The beauty is, I can navigate anywhere around the area I have created, meaning that I am able to navigate my idenity through numerous parts of this world. For example, I had the idea that perhaps my achievements and goals could be shown, climbing up the mountains, my fears in the forest etc. Some good oppotunities to further the work.

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