Its hard to show work online from an A3 Sketchbook, but heres some stuff I've been doing towards the PUS project (Shauns stuff).
Completed sections of work:
Design Ideas (7 so far)
I'm now in the process of evaluating the finished designs as well as starting to design my final piece. The current aspect I'm working on is the XML photo Slideshow which will be presented on the Homepage. I've also developed a signiture style logo, which will be displayed on all three pages of the site.
My final idea is to create a Homepage with a slideshow and information about content on the site. This will be a personal page to the user, in which they can select then, whether to be taken to the Male or Female part of the site. These two pages will have Flash across the centre which stretches out of the boundaries of the browser, but can be navigated using a set of Flash buttons to get from one side of the site to another. I will put some screenshots of my Photo slideshow up later today, to show how I developed the final piece. The script I have developed for this is shown below.
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(6000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerF);
function timerF(e:TimerEvent):void{
This will allow the photos to have a delay for six seconds (hence the new Timer(6000) syntax), and then move to the next frame. I will also be adding some transitions between the photos, to make a more professional overall effect.
The next stage of my sketchbook development is to evaluate the seven designs I have drawn up and considered. As you can tell I have already chosen one of these, so this will be the favoured design in my design analysis, however there are aspects of the six other designs that I plan to incorporate into the final design, such as the typography. I am also yet to create my time action plan, which will allow me to ensure I keep on track with the work and not spend too much time on a specific section. This will also include validating and testing sections to my work, as these will be important towards the overall evaluation.
Finally, I will create a Site Plan, which will show aspects of navigation through a flow chart. This way I can ensure that the user can get to any three pages through the page they are on.
This is todays tasks, but in the next few days, I hope to have added a loading bar to my site, as well as begun the Flash piece for displaying the clothing across the Male and Female pages.
Hope everyones projects are going great and I look forward to posting another update in the next few days (sorry again for the delay on this one).
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