Thursday, 27 November 2008


Typography is an important part of webdesign. By selecting a particular style, size or colour, a users interpretation of the site as a whole can be changed dramatically. Clearly then, it is vital that I choose a style of font which clearly links in with the type of site I am creating. Because I am keeping the site simple, I want a fancy, signiture styled font to contrast with the plain background. This will allow the user a clear sense of the design I have aimed to achieve from this part of the project. Some fonts are shown below, which I will consider during the final design process.

Something like the below font would be a good example of the fancy style I will be looking to achieve. This will be also used for the logo. (Examples found at

These two fonts have styles which I hope to have on the Homepage, for the descrpitions about the site content, as well as the logo and Mens/Womens links.

For the two content pages (i.e. Mens and Womens), I hope to use a more simple font, perhaps Verdana, which is easily read. This font will be used on the details about content on the site, links to other sites and the navigation information. It will also be used at the bottom of the page in the footer.

Some example fonts of these are also shown below:

So there we have it :)

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