Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Essay planning and research.


To identify my Strengths in my current position of networking could be challenging, because I am currently at the bottom of the networking heirachy. However, this is a stage where many of my personal skills will pay off, such as communication. I am a good listener and talker, and like to invlove myself in other peoples work by expressing my opinion on a certain aspect or idea. Because of this, I have a benefit over those who may be more technically developed than myself, because I am more developed in social and teamworking activities.

I am also a leader, and like to collabarate ideas from a range of sources to create my ideas. This could be good in networking, because I take initiative to talk to those higher than me in the heirachy and make myself known to people that are perhaps opportunities to students like myself.

I need to ensure that in my essay my strengths towards the networking side of my University experience are clearly outlined and evidenced, some are shown below, and I will think of more as I begin to develop my essay plan.

- Communication; listening, teamwork, talking, opinions, learning, presenting.
- Ideas: Always happy to express ideas to others and take positive and negative critique. In networking this may be a good point, because I will need to show I can come up with ideas, on the spot.
- Knowledge of industry; may not have had much work experieince, but I am fully aware of what the industry can offer to me as a Multimedia practicioner and that those opportunities are avaiable to take.
- Organised; Always punctual and on time, as well as having the necessary resources to suit the day ahead. Good for first impressions to networking opportunities.


I may be well developed as a communicater and generally confident person, however I need to think about becoming more technically developed. By this, I dont mean that I'm not a wizz on a computer, but I could do with learning what specific web based language means, so when someone says "Scotty go sort that PHP out on the blablabla website" I will know what to do.

I also need to start finding some companies and to get invloved in projects and organisations in and around Nottingham that activly involve Multimedia. This means finding companies (something I will do during the duration of this project), and looking at how these can give me opportunities for personal networking development.

I will write about my opportunities and threats, when this section of my essay comes closer, but firstly I will come up with a draft which has both S and W's within.

Multimedia companies I have found below, which I will check out later today;

Alternative Focus Media
Media Design Studio Ltd
Eventure Internet Limited
WebAlert Web Services

Some good web design companies here too.

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