Tuesday, 22 January 2008

3D max....

Been playing around with this software a fair bit this week, just to familiarise myself with its interface, and build an understanding of what its designed to produce. I found these videos below, that people had made using 3d studio max.I also found a couple of other pieces of software when looking at 3d studio max, including a modelling program called poser. This software, would be highly useful for when I start creating my identity piece, as it would allow me to create a 3d character, which could be interacted with by the user, without takin too much time manually moulding it. Below, is a head, I created using 3DS Max and Mudbox.

The head was designed to have a similar shape to those of the Lloyds TSB advert. After finding some 3d painting software, I will hopefully be able to colour and add features to the 3d object already created. This is good practice for future ideas and research into 3d max and other software.

I have also been on SecondLife, which I will talk about in my next blog as I'm off to the cinema tonight to watch yet another film, which I will also be blogging about :)

Scotty x x x

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