I've started playing with some blueprints of a ford mustang.:)
I got the blueprints from another source, because i could'nt be bothered to draw them myself, and decided to go straight into 3D max with them, to make it more beneficial:D

Today I started to make a bonnet in 3dmax. doesnt look too good to be fair :), but the use of the blueprints, helped me to make it accurate and in scale with the rest of the car. Using some tutorials online, showed me how to sculp the bonnet, using the editable polygon option. This allowed me to create a shape by editing the specific areas of a cube (the shape I started with). Below are some screenshots of this process:)
This is the final rendered image of the bonnet, along with the blueprints, that I dont want to loose, and havent figured out how to hide in my shot :).

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