Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Images that scream light and colour....

hmmmm interesting. Well I decided to use one of the photos created using the technique me and a friend use often, known as light art. By turning the shutter on a camera to a long exposure, allows us to create some fantastic and eye grabbing images, that look as if they've come straight out of photoshop. Clever and fun. Some are shown below.

The photos, I think you will agree both incorporate light and colour in their content. I like the first photo best, taken proper late on my loaded friends back garden :). Set the shutter on propa low speed and then ran round like nutters with LED lights, torches and whatever light emiting we could get our hands on. The effect is ace...!

I chose Diana's image to talk about, because it uses a similar method to me, in that the shutter has taken longer because of the removal of Flash. Her use of glow sticks is a mint idea for light art, and I will definetly consider using these in future light art work me and my friends create.

My favourite image found though, would have to be Will's which uses colour amazingly to create a professional, well thought out image. The light in the image jumps from the screen, and the coluors are both vivid and exciting to the eye, giving us plenty to look at, as well as creating a story of events within the picture, something I remember Andy vaguely mentioning during a lecture this term.

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