Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Being connected and century of self

Last week we had a lecture with Simon, on being connected and the century of self. The lecture was crammed with philosophical points about modernism and post moderism. Now I myself, prefer the idea that we all have different views on different things, and we should have equal opportunity to express these views, something that is becoming more and more recognised as the world we live in develops.

We all have individual ideas, about everything we do, some of these cause disagreements. In terms of art, I haven't seen a piece of work in Multimedia so far that has been identical to that of someone elses, something that shows the importance of individuality and how it effects us as people. Sure, we may take inspiration from one anothers ideas to develop these with our own, but that again surely shows our individuality to be influenced by the type of work that has inspired us. I've never been one for the total and utter views that science can explain everything, and when taking psychology last year, I found science has many leaks and flaws that are taped together by deceptions and twists in the truth. How do we know all these things are correct, JUST because someone tells us. This is why the thoughts of individuality are so important, and we should not loose ourselves with what we think when others say THIS IS RIGHT. Noone is entirely right noone entirely wrong, if so where would creativity be in the world?

With reference to Leannes journal, and the lecture a few weeks back, were we saw the advertisements of women smokers. This bemused me, that people could be sucked out of individuality, by people telling them that something is right, and relating this, in this case, to show that women are equals to men. Such stupidity in my view, but never the less, some clever ass decided it would be funny to make these women tempted by the idea of killing themselves with tar filled sticks. Unbelievable.

The idea of post modernism and moderism to me should be scraped well and truly from todays society. Its dangerous, and the idea that people individual thoughts can be sucked from them with a little propaganda is scary. Our futures could actually depend on some guys ability to advertise. Weird if you ask me.

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