Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Where I stand in the identity module and SPP1 module so far....

Well... my diary of an avatar in Second Life was completed last week, so thats out the way and will shortly be posted in Word format to blogger. This includes around a months experience using Second life, including a diary of events, as well as some general aspects I enjoyed and did not enjoy during my experience of the 3d world.

Whilst completing my journal of Second life, I began experimenting with 3d studio max and its interface. I now feel I can produce some results ranging from average to good, and ongoing practice is still be undertaken.

I have now moved on to begin my design ideas for the creation of an avatar in a specific environment, as well as exploring ideas towards my identity. These are being carried out through a range of sketches and articles about myself, to aid me to choose something which best suits my identity, whilst being individual in my choice of design.

My first design idea shown below is well rough, but I used the opportunity to explore the creation of characters within 3d max, and create objects without the use of tutorials. It was done in about 10 mins, and so obviously has little attention to detail so far. I have chosen to do a realistic, semi realistic - semi unrealistic and unrealistic approach to my avatar. Before beginning the module though, I wanted to create something completly different to myself, which would show some aspects of my inner identity.

Finally, whilst this is still going on, I am currently watching a range of films from different directors to try and establish my knowledge in the area of AV, for the essay and choices I will undertake next week. I realise the amount of work there is to be done, and am finding the use of a gantt chart (Roma's suggestion), useful in keeping me in time with work.

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