Thursday, 7 February 2008

Mustang modelling...comtinued

Been playing with 3Dmax for sometime now, and I'm finally becoming familiar with the interface, tools and ideas that the software can incorporate into our work. I created a bonnet for my Mustang a couple of weeks back, and have been playing for a while now with the side of the car as well as the rear. The results are starting to show. Using the blueprints method, found on a few tutorials, I have managed now to craft most of the bodywork. The results are shown below, however theres still loads of stuff to do on it!. Because this is taking so long, and I've gotten into it so much, I have decided to use this in my interactive box, perhaps animated with my Avatar driving? To show my passion for old American Muscle cars.

I still need to add the previously made bonnet to the car, as well as mirroring the model to merge it to the oposite side, but that should'nt be too hard in the modifiers panel.

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