Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Panasonic Design Museum. - SOTD.

Panasonic Design Museum.

The new Panasonic website is, as we spoke about earlier in seminar, a simplistic creation in which the designer has clearly considered colour and space choicefully. The Homepage uses an interesting Flash piece on three objects. When clicked upon the year of the certain object, for example the first MP3 player is bought forward and displayed along with stacks of information on the product, like who designed it, why it was designed in that way etc.

The site also has a really nice pop-up naviagation bar on the right of the page, which can take the user to areas related to products such as a timeline or the names of the designers responsible for Panasonics success.

My particular attraction to this site, came with its appearence. I love the bright vivid colours of the old products, contrasting with the grey and darker tones much like what Joel said in the interview we analysed earlier this week. I also like the reflections of the products, as if on a shiny new surface, showing that old and new can come together in perfect alliance.

Finally, I feel that the main reason this site got SOTD on FWA is due to its ease of use. The navigation for the site is perfect and the accessibility has been extremelly well considered in the construction of the site.

Well done Panasonic :)

Jools Journal Task 2 - Personal contact

Using your own personal experience write a few lines to describe how a personal contact has provided a creative opportunity for you...

I have a number of occasions where opportunities have arisen from simply just talking to people about my University course and explaining what it invloves. I remember in the summer break, some bloke came into my work (the co-op) and we started to talk about jobs, Uni and general interests. It turned out that he works in a media building right next to my place of work, so I have applied for work experience in the Christmas break, as well as making a new contact in the world of Multimedia.

Opportunities have also come to me through general talk with friends about my course. I helped my friend Rob create a website to advertise his band, helped a collegue at work advertise her new gym over the Internet and even recieved permission from my Dads work to create a website for their furniture company. So opportunities, however simple they may seem or however boring at first, are really good opportunities to get client experieince as well as more to add to our portfolios.

Referencing Jim Shorthoses book, Fish, Horses and other animals, I can now see why its important to get into contact with as many different species of animal in the ecological cycle of Multimedia as possible, because it is important that we networking with a range of different people, big or small, successful or unsuccessful. These are still learning days.

P.U.S. Personal University Shopper.

P.U.S is a side project I hope to carry on throughout the year, which allows students to browse a range of different clothing brands, including Topman, Burton, River island, All saints etc. all within one site. The site will "mix and match" a range of styles and brands to show students possible ideas for wearing at University or on nights up town.

I feel this idea has sprung from the intial thoughts on creating a fashion site for my current module. However, I'd like to leave that idea for personal use so I can experiment with creating a site set out with my ideas in mind. I'm also on the look out for possible client projects to add to my portfolio, so this site could be a step to networking and advertising myself to the world of Multimedia.

I've already began thinking about content, and some basic ideas about what Flash elements may be included. I will also attempt to feed news of sale updates and new stock from the high street shops into my side using a feed if possible.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Davids work....reposted.

For some reason my post attempt didnt work on Friday so here it is:

(1) Read and comment on the following content in your on-line journal:
Dan Saffer: 'Interaction design is an applied art' August 13, 2008
Joel Schafer: 'I'm into minimalistic clean design' January 15, 2008

Dan Saffer's article clearly shows the value of understanding how life experiences can change our overall perception and ideas into the world of interaction design. Certainly an inspired concept which will be interesting when developing my ideas over the next few years. The idea of bringing something into my work which reflects a personal feeling or life event, could be classified as a trademark of an artist, and individual way of stamping a sign on each piece of work I take on. A particlar segment of the interview struck me as relevant, in that you need a "master", or someone more advanced in the field that we are currently studying to watch us work on certain types of work. For example David's experience in Flash, or Shauns experience with art, will greatly aid us in future work. Saffers thoughts on creating a variety of work and not just sticking to a certain piece, perhaps because you have become attached to it because it was your first "good" idea, is clever and shows us that we should explore Multimedia in a more full process, before jumping into a big designers mistake of impulse creation.

The main feature I took from Joel Schafer's interview was his tips to people like us at the learning stage of life. He basically tells us to explore further into Multimdeia by reading on the field, partucalrly arty mags, look at award sites for ideas on what the market currently has to offer and to always have a plan before starting work, perhaps due to the fact the best of us tend to drift into things we didnt draft at the beginning!

(2) Spend sometime browsing the websites of IDEO, Sony, Apple and our own NOW online workspace. Do not just look at the design (though that is useful); Look at the products and/or services they are talking about or providing and the philosophy of the design approach.

Think about a range of issues about the sites that include:

What does it look like?

Apple: Simple easy to use website with an immediately recognisable interface.
Sony: Not as aethetically pleasing as the apple website but again simple and easily recognised. Could do with better navigation bars!

How easy is it to use?

Apple: I often visit the Apple website as it has updates on products daily and I find it extremelly simple to use.
Sony: Good aold simple and old fashioned web design with navigation bars down the side and at the top. Easy to naviagte.

How relevant is the content of the site?

Apple: Very.
Sony: Very.

How clearly is the content organised?

Apple: Simple and clear enough for the user to know exactly where to go and when to go there. Only problem I ever had was finding the student discount prices! :)
Sony: Categories make it extremelly simple for the user to find what their after.

Provide comments in your online journal based on the above.

(3) For 2 websites with FLASH content from http://www.thefwa.com/ discuss them in your online journal using the same criteria as above.

Farcry 2:

What does it look like?
Begins with a video of game footage, streams slowly even on a strong broadband connection. After a short while when the footage is complete, the user is given a realistic choice game based on two options. If the option is the wrong one, then the user fails. Very good graphically, but again slow streaming and loading times.

How easy is it to use?
Simple to use with single click options on Flash components in the site. The use of hotspots helps the user navigate through the more vital aspects of the site.

How relevant is the content of the site?
Very, gives the user a full insight to the content and directness of the game. Good graphics and sound help to make the experience that bit better.

How clearly is the content organised?
So so, I didnt know what was going on when the video was playing at first, however after waiting a short while and concentrating I realised that this was actually an introduction to the game and bait to lure the user into buying this new game.


What does it look like?
Nice and simple innovative ideas which give the user, again a good chance to see some really effective use of animation. I especially like the way that the user can select a character which he or she wants to use on the site.

How easy is it to use?
Very simple. Clear hotspots, instructions and highlighted areas make it easy for the user to ecperience the site effectively.

How relevant is the content of the site?
Well to say its almost a charity website, not very, however the use of a bear, with clear indications of the content of the site does reflect a certain amount of relecvance towards the user.

How clearly is the content organised?
Well. The site uses a navigation bar at the summit of the page which easily guides the user to different areas of the site in an interactive flow.

(4) Have a look and go at the FLASH tutorial available for FLASH CS3, via a link in top right hand widget on the Exploring Multimedia homepage, do this before the seminar in Week 14 28/10/08.

Some interesting Flash tutorials:

NAE. cheers Craig

Find more photos like this on ONLINE ENVIRONMENTS 2008-9

Last weeks visit to the new art exchange made me realise just how easily art buildings can be found in Nottingham and how it can help us to create some more artisit and inspired work. Clever as.

I love thinking....Idea for this terms project.

Shaun asked us this week to consider something for the content of our work which would inspire us to create a piece more artistic than last years work. I've done some thinking and I've decided, if Shaun agree's with my idea, I'd like to create an artistic Fashion website, aimed at Universtiy students. This would both meet his requirements for creating an artistic piece we would be interested in and would allow me to explore some exciting Flash components and applications. It would also allow me a wide range of researching opportunities to see how websites are developed for this purpose.

Site's Im checking out today....




Great success (Y) :))).

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Test 1

Testing Testing...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Climbing aboard my network train....

I've started researching some companies in and around Nottingham which could possibly be the start of some work experience opportunities. I will put the mind map up tommorow of the companies I have found.

I have also decided to start a database of contacts in the area of Multimedia which I can openly check and update to see if I've had any previous contact with the company or if they are a new fresh opportunity.

I have also visited a number of sites that Linda informed us of and found that the skillsset.org page offers some interesting opportuniteis and ideas for me to explore.

Happy networking everyone!

Nottingham - thenewartexchange.

I've just checked out the newartexchange website and it looks really exciting. Its great to have such opportunities so close to the Universtiy, and I think ideas like this should be more regularly organised.

I'm looking forward to the visit with Uni, but also the events that the place has to offer. I think that it will be interesting to see how the building develops over the years, and I hope to see some of the exciting events it has to offer.

Networking - Social or business?

Jools touched upon a point and asked us in his previous SPP lecture to explore the idea of whether business has blemished its way into the redefining the new era of networking. Networking to me is a word which has a number of meanings, non of which I'm entirely sure are genuine. When I think of networking these days I think Facebook, Myspace and Bebo, sites which have explored a new definitive way of creating social structure within our society.

However, when thought about more deeply I can see where business has taken on board the importance of networking. Its important these days for one to have a number of contacts within the similar field of work as yourself. For example freelance web designers will have a number of clients perhaps who have had work done in the past for a discounted rate, with the promise that the name of the web designer is the shown on the website or if someone asks where they had the site done they advertise the designers name.

It is becoming clearer to me that networking is a combination of self broadcasting of ones work and contacts with businesses around a particular type of network.

Moving back to the point Jools arose in his lecture for us to discuss, I feel that yes, human contact must be present to have networks developing. Companies for example will have people employed to expand their network and advertise their services to other compnaies or organisations. This is where the idea that businesses have explored networking and are starting to exploit it as their own.

In Linda's lecture, she described how networking involves meeting new people and sharing ideas is beneficial. Of course this will greatly help me at this moment in time, because I need to start building a portfolio of ideas as well as contacts already in the industry of Multimedia, so it will be easier after University for me to obtain a job and begin on the long path of my career.

Therefore, I feel that networking is a combination of both social and career bound ideas. We can basically network for any reason if we want to become more known in the industry we have chosen. I personally hope to begin networking with a series of work experience and small project based jobs which will help me develop soft skills vital in my area of Multimedia.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Nottingham Artists.

From Shauns lecture I have decided to branch off and check out some artists in and around Nottingham. Artists these days range from musicians to painters, web designers to sketches, achitects to writers.

The first designer I have to say is an inspiration to me and should be to others to is Paul Smith. Paul Smith is a fashion designer with a unique style developed over years of hard work and effort in his area of expertese. His signiture designs and individual clothing ranges are a result of finding a style that represents him successfully as a designer. When I walk into a shop which sells a range of branded fashion labels, a Paul Smith shirt will stick out clearly from the others because of its individuality in design and style.

With reference to his website, Pauls style developed completely by accident in a life changing event. His career plans at the age of 16 were undecided and his main passion in life was to become a professional racing cyclist. However, after an accident and a spell in hospital, Paul met some friends with a distinctive taste for art, including Warhol, Mondrian and the Rolling Stones. If I were to compare Paul Smiths work in the fashion industry with other artists, I would find the most vibrant and royal looking images, print them off and throw them to the floor in a pattern of colour and vividness, because Pauls ideas and designs are clearly founded in an era which set out the idea of individuality and difference.

Pauls story is an inspiring one, taking a small teenage idea into something which becomes a life changing career opportunity. His worj should inspire us all and show us that by creating something a little different in life which noone has ever seen or heard of, can become something which is huge and we all depend upon.

Shaun's Opening Lecture.


Been a while since the last blog and I apologise. We all have times in our lives where we are confused as to what we want from our education and it took me some time to consider if Multimedia was the direction in which my career is going. Thankfully it is.

Yesterday Shaun gave us an interesting lecture on his section of online environments, web design. His introduction gave me the impression that a major goal for all of us in this second year is to find our creative and artistic sides to combine our technical abilities at making quality results with a more arty twist. In my opinion he hit the nail on the head. My work last year lacked depth and I felt like I was always behind those who had explored their more creative sides.

Shauns fine art, I'm sure will allow us to make some changes to the way we work for the better.

This year I aim to bring some of my stregths to the modules as well as expanding on some of my weaknesses. This would mean exploiting my artistic abilities using photography and improving such work as my Flash skills and drawing.

Shaun asked us to think of an artist who may have a style or artistic flair which I admire. I have chosen Jeff Ascough, a wedding photographer local to me. His photography is a breath of fresh air in the area. By trying a range of different photographic perspectives and techniques, Jeff has developed a style which I wish I could develop myself. This is similar to what Shaun said about finding a "wacky" or different side to our work.

I will certainly this year find myself within Multimedia, something I feel I struggled with last year. Some of Jeff Ascoughs work can be seen below, and I recommend visiting his website, as it uses some fantastic Flash features.

One of my favourite features, the Flash loading bar. The contemporary style used on the page may be something I would like to explore. The simple, yet eye-catching style will be something I want to push into my work this year and perhaps find my style of work to build a portfolio where my work is easily recognised.