Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Networking - Social or business?

Jools touched upon a point and asked us in his previous SPP lecture to explore the idea of whether business has blemished its way into the redefining the new era of networking. Networking to me is a word which has a number of meanings, non of which I'm entirely sure are genuine. When I think of networking these days I think Facebook, Myspace and Bebo, sites which have explored a new definitive way of creating social structure within our society.

However, when thought about more deeply I can see where business has taken on board the importance of networking. Its important these days for one to have a number of contacts within the similar field of work as yourself. For example freelance web designers will have a number of clients perhaps who have had work done in the past for a discounted rate, with the promise that the name of the web designer is the shown on the website or if someone asks where they had the site done they advertise the designers name.

It is becoming clearer to me that networking is a combination of self broadcasting of ones work and contacts with businesses around a particular type of network.

Moving back to the point Jools arose in his lecture for us to discuss, I feel that yes, human contact must be present to have networks developing. Companies for example will have people employed to expand their network and advertise their services to other compnaies or organisations. This is where the idea that businesses have explored networking and are starting to exploit it as their own.

In Linda's lecture, she described how networking involves meeting new people and sharing ideas is beneficial. Of course this will greatly help me at this moment in time, because I need to start building a portfolio of ideas as well as contacts already in the industry of Multimedia, so it will be easier after University for me to obtain a job and begin on the long path of my career.

Therefore, I feel that networking is a combination of both social and career bound ideas. We can basically network for any reason if we want to become more known in the industry we have chosen. I personally hope to begin networking with a series of work experience and small project based jobs which will help me develop soft skills vital in my area of Multimedia.

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