(1) Read and comment on the following content in your on-line journal:
Dan Saffer: 'Interaction design is an applied art' August 13, 2008
Joel Schafer: 'I'm into minimalistic clean design' January 15, 2008
Dan Saffer's article clearly shows the value of understanding how life experiences can change our overall perception and ideas into the world of interaction design. Certainly an inspired concept which will be interesting when developing my ideas over the next few years. The idea of bringing something into my work which reflects a personal feeling or life event, could be classified as a trademark of an artist, and individual way of stamping a sign on each piece of work I take on. A particlar segment of the interview struck me as relevant, in that you need a "master", or someone more advanced in the field that we are currently studying to watch us work on certain types of work. For example David's experience in Flash, or Shauns experience with art, will greatly aid us in future work. Saffers thoughts on creating a variety of work and not just sticking to a certain piece, perhaps because you have become attached to it because it was your first "good" idea, is clever and shows us that we should explore Multimedia in a more full process, before jumping into a big designers mistake of impulse creation.
The main feature I took from Joel Schafer's interview was his tips to people like us at the learning stage of life. He basically tells us to explore further into Multimdeia by reading on the field, partucalrly arty mags, look at award sites for ideas on what the market currently has to offer and to always have a plan before starting work, perhaps due to the fact the best of us tend to drift into things we didnt draft at the beginning!
(2) Spend sometime browsing the websites of IDEO, Sony, Apple and our own NOW online workspace. Do not just look at the design (though that is useful); Look at the products and/or services they are talking about or providing and the philosophy of the design approach.

Think about a range of issues about the sites that include:
What does it look like?
Apple: Simple easy to use website with an immediately recognisable interface.
Sony: Not as aethetically pleasing as the apple website but again simple and easily recognised. Could do with better navigation bars!
How easy is it to use?
Apple: I often visit the Apple website as it has updates on products daily and I find it extremelly simple to use.
Sony: Good aold simple and old fashioned web design with navigation bars down the side and at the top. Easy to naviagte.
How relevant is the content of the site?
Apple: Very.
Sony: Very.
How clearly is the content organised?
Apple: Simple and clear enough for the user to know exactly where to go and when to go there. Only problem I ever had was finding the student discount prices! :)
Sony: Categories make it extremelly simple for the user to find what their after.
Provide comments in your online journal based on the above.
(3) For 2 websites with FLASH content from http://www.thefwa.com/ discuss them in your online journal using the same criteria as above.
Farcry 2:

What does it look like?
Begins with a video of game footage, streams slowly even on a strong broadband connection. After a short while when the footage is complete, the user is given a realistic choice game based on two options. If the option is the wrong one, then the user fails. Very good graphically, but again slow streaming and loading times.
How easy is it to use?
Simple to use with single click options on Flash components in the site. The use of hotspots helps the user navigate through the more vital aspects of the site.
How relevant is the content of the site?
Very, gives the user a full insight to the content and directness of the game. Good graphics and sound help to make the experience that bit better.
How clearly is the content organised?
So so, I didnt know what was going on when the video was playing at first, however after waiting a short while and concentrating I realised that this was actually an introduction to the game and bait to lure the user into buying this new game.

What does it look like?
Nice and simple innovative ideas which give the user, again a good chance to see some really effective use of animation. I especially like the way that the user can select a character which he or she wants to use on the site.
How easy is it to use?
Very simple. Clear hotspots, instructions and highlighted areas make it easy for the user to ecperience the site effectively.
How relevant is the content of the site?
Well to say its almost a charity website, not very, however the use of a bear, with clear indications of the content of the site does reflect a certain amount of relecvance towards the user.
How clearly is the content organised?
Well. The site uses a navigation bar at the summit of the page which easily guides the user to different areas of the site in an interactive flow.
(4) Have a look and go at the FLASH tutorial available for FLASH CS3, via a link in top right hand widget on the Exploring Multimedia homepage, do this before the seminar in Week 14 28/10/08.
Some interesting Flash tutorials:
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