Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Panasonic Design Museum. - SOTD.

Panasonic Design Museum.

The new Panasonic website is, as we spoke about earlier in seminar, a simplistic creation in which the designer has clearly considered colour and space choicefully. The Homepage uses an interesting Flash piece on three objects. When clicked upon the year of the certain object, for example the first MP3 player is bought forward and displayed along with stacks of information on the product, like who designed it, why it was designed in that way etc.

The site also has a really nice pop-up naviagation bar on the right of the page, which can take the user to areas related to products such as a timeline or the names of the designers responsible for Panasonics success.

My particular attraction to this site, came with its appearence. I love the bright vivid colours of the old products, contrasting with the grey and darker tones much like what Joel said in the interview we analysed earlier this week. I also like the reflections of the products, as if on a shiny new surface, showing that old and new can come together in perfect alliance.

Finally, I feel that the main reason this site got SOTD on FWA is due to its ease of use. The navigation for the site is perfect and the accessibility has been extremelly well considered in the construction of the site.

Well done Panasonic :)

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