Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Hive Opportunity.

I have a meeting today with Phil Clarke at the Hive, regarding my idea for the fashion website I have completed for this terms module/project. This is a great opportunity, as well as being hihgly useful for content in my SPP2 essay which will be finished in just a couple of days.

This may be the start of my path into networking as it could open up new contacts and faces in the world of Multimedia design.

Glad I emailed now :)

Interface Design Principles

The simplicity principle

My site has a structured, well thought out navigational process in which the user is directed from page to page, in a simple manner. A weakness perhaps, is that currently the navigation can only be achieved through interaction with Flash buttons, with no consideration to those who perhaps have no access to a Flash system. An alternative to this may be to create a seperate HTML page, which uses only HTML based navigation so that the user can easily direct from page to page without using the Flash process.

The site has attempted to show users a range of products from a range of brands, so the navigation to these sites vitally needs to be considered. This has been done using simple clicks which take the user to the route site of the product.

The visibility principle

Visually the site has been well thought out for Flash users, with some interesting, different ways of displaying pages and directing users onto alternative pages. Careful consideration has been taken regarding colour and typography, and this flows from page to page within my designs.

The feedback principle

Information is given at all times when possible about how to direct users through the different pages of the website. This is through text, animations and interactivity.

The tolerance principle

All pages pop-up, which could be viewed as a weakness. However, when I personally visit a site, I like to close down the content I've already viewed, so that I can go back to the previous pages. This way the animations continue to flow whilst I'm viewing further content. My site is very heirachical in this way, as it goes through a series of stages before reaching the large .SWF files.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Some sketchbook photos

Find more photos like this on OEP

Initial evaluation points.


Having completed the project in which I set out to create a three page website, I feel I have understood and learnt a range of new skills and techniques regarding web design. This is particularly in the areas of publishing, embedding and accessibility for a range of audiences.

I began with researching into the area of web design, directly towards the theme I had chosen to base my site upon. By doing this, I was able to find out some interesting ways in which the current markets have chosen to display their products, and follow some similar design techniques. I was also critical with these designs, and looked at aspects that were weaker, and so became beneficial in the later stages of the design.

I then went on to begin simply sketching and thinking about ideas which would become the content within the site. I wanted the content to have a beneficial aim and purpose, so that when I created my site, it could be used as a tool. The content was based upon an idea I have had for a while, where a collaboration of different High Street brands products where displayed in one easy to use web space. I felt the idea had potential and alongside my original theme of fashion, began thinking how I could tie this in with the current project. My initial idea was to create a large manqué in which users could drag and drop different items onto this, to mix and match different products from different shops. This is one of my test designs, and can be seen as a sketch in my sketchbook. I did several more of these and considered them critically before going on to my final design stages.

I chose a design which I felt was simple, yet challenging to develop, whilst providing the user with an interesting, interactive environment, as set by the brief. I began the final Home page design, by taking my sketch and implementing this into a Dreamweaver document using a table with two sections, one with a Flash slideshow of my own images, and the other with a description about the site, a logo and two Flash buttons which would direct the user to the Male and Female pages.

This is where my first problem arose, and with some critical feedback I was able to change this. The font used on the main text with the description about the site, was difficult to read, and I didn’t pick this up until I was given critique on this part of the page. I changed this to a simpler font, so that as a large batch of text it was easier to read for the user. You can see the changes in my blog post, with screenshots of how the page changed from the feedback given.

Later on in the project, I was also given feedback that the links on the bottom of the page, lacked a contrast to the background, and it was difficult to tell that these directed the user to the separate pages. Therefore, I used Flash Eff (a component available to add onto Flash which saves time with standard coding techniques such as Go To and Stop. It also provides animation tools.), to make these buttons animated and clearer to see that these directed to separate pages.

The three pages also proved difficult to use on different resolutions of screen, and someone found that on their laptop screen, they needed to zoom out of the page they were on to see the whole content (which is abit of a pain), so I am currently attempting to gather some code that will recognise the size of the screen being used and change the site to suit this.

To create the two content pages, i.e. the male and female pages, I used a piece of Flash I bought a couple of months back, and was interested in using. Admittedly, the coding is not created by me, but I implemented and changed the content and the coding to suit my needs. I also understand now how the coding has been structured, and how I have changed it to suit the way I had designed my page to look, and I personally like the page a lot.
Another interesting comment I received was;
“I like the roll over highlight for 'Men’s' and 'Women’s', however, how do you interact with the website or even know what the site is about when FLASH is not available? If 'not appropriate' then why is it not appropriate for site that is trying to sell item?” – David Downes
I have tried my hardest in the little time I had left to create a simpler HTML page, for those who cannot access Flash. This is extremely simple, because I had not considered this before, something that I am very disappointed about. In my continuing work on this site, I hope to develop a page that combines Flash and non-Flash attributes, so that if a user doesn’t have Flash, they can access all the content that those who have Flash can, but without the interactivity. This would perhaps be done by having JPEG images present if Flash was rejected by a machine.
I had a couple of little problems, mainly due to a lack of web design publishing experience, such as naming files correctly, (one example being P.U.S.html instead of PUS.html). I also came across problems such as invalid fonts, which would not display unless the machine had the font installed. Little problems like this have helped me understand that bit more about the difficulty in creating a fully functional site, with no validation problems.

I will make changes to my evaluation, when I recieve peer feedback and comments on Wednesday. Until then I will start testing the website, on the University server, to ensure everything is to the standards set out by the brief. I will also begin planning my presentation for Friday.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Essay planning and research.


To identify my Strengths in my current position of networking could be challenging, because I am currently at the bottom of the networking heirachy. However, this is a stage where many of my personal skills will pay off, such as communication. I am a good listener and talker, and like to invlove myself in other peoples work by expressing my opinion on a certain aspect or idea. Because of this, I have a benefit over those who may be more technically developed than myself, because I am more developed in social and teamworking activities.

I am also a leader, and like to collabarate ideas from a range of sources to create my ideas. This could be good in networking, because I take initiative to talk to those higher than me in the heirachy and make myself known to people that are perhaps opportunities to students like myself.

I need to ensure that in my essay my strengths towards the networking side of my University experience are clearly outlined and evidenced, some are shown below, and I will think of more as I begin to develop my essay plan.

- Communication; listening, teamwork, talking, opinions, learning, presenting.
- Ideas: Always happy to express ideas to others and take positive and negative critique. In networking this may be a good point, because I will need to show I can come up with ideas, on the spot.
- Knowledge of industry; may not have had much work experieince, but I am fully aware of what the industry can offer to me as a Multimedia practicioner and that those opportunities are avaiable to take.
- Organised; Always punctual and on time, as well as having the necessary resources to suit the day ahead. Good for first impressions to networking opportunities.


I may be well developed as a communicater and generally confident person, however I need to think about becoming more technically developed. By this, I dont mean that I'm not a wizz on a computer, but I could do with learning what specific web based language means, so when someone says "Scotty go sort that PHP out on the blablabla website" I will know what to do.

I also need to start finding some companies and to get invloved in projects and organisations in and around Nottingham that activly involve Multimedia. This means finding companies (something I will do during the duration of this project), and looking at how these can give me opportunities for personal networking development.

I will write about my opportunities and threats, when this section of my essay comes closer, but firstly I will come up with a draft which has both S and W's within.

Multimedia companies I have found below, which I will check out later today;

Alternative Focus Media
Media Design Studio Ltd
Eventure Internet Limited
WebAlert Web Services

Some good web design companies here too.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Some background pattern ideas.

Been to B and Q today to pick up some patterned wallpaper examples which might be useful for use as a background for my final piece, rather than a plain black background. I will check these out and see if they give a better feel to the pages than a plain black background, if so I will use them, if not, there was no harm in trying a few things!

Will post the designs with wallpaper tomorrow with an evaluation of how they look, its also the start of the main Flash pieces so wish me luck with those.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Final Design, Home page (with test screenshots)

The first screenshot, shows the basic starting point I had, which I asked people about on Tuesday. I got comments about the difficulty the design presented with reading the text. This was solved by creating a design which had complex text for the logo, but when it came to content, a more improved, easier to read text was used. Looking at the design though, I felt like I had taken out the aesthetically pleasing values of the design by making the text almost more boring to view. So I created yet another design with the text in a box surrounded by holly, to create a more pleasing approach to the design. I finally added the "Autumn/Winter" collection text which combined both previous text colours. I feel I have learnt alot about Typography on the web by getting a hands on approach by consideing it in my designs. I am now happy with both the Flash content and Typography of my designs, as well as colour schemes and navigation. All of which are important in Homepage designs.

Thursday, 27 November 2008


Typography is an important part of webdesign. By selecting a particular style, size or colour, a users interpretation of the site as a whole can be changed dramatically. Clearly then, it is vital that I choose a style of font which clearly links in with the type of site I am creating. Because I am keeping the site simple, I want a fancy, signiture styled font to contrast with the plain background. This will allow the user a clear sense of the design I have aimed to achieve from this part of the project. Some fonts are shown below, which I will consider during the final design process.

Something like the below font would be a good example of the fancy style I will be looking to achieve. This will be also used for the logo. (Examples found at http://www.fonts.com/FindFonts/Detail.htm?pid=203351)

These two fonts have styles which I hope to have on the Homepage, for the descrpitions about the site content, as well as the logo and Mens/Womens links.

For the two content pages (i.e. Mens and Womens), I hope to use a more simple font, perhaps Verdana, which is easily read. This font will be used on the details about content on the site, links to other sites and the navigation information. It will also be used at the bottom of the page in the footer.

Some example fonts of these are also shown below:

So there we have it :)

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Perfect web design page from .NET.

Loving the idea of using post it notes to plan out projects like that. Off to Tesco then I feel (Y) :)

Evaluations. More....

Individual Evaluations:
Design 1: The first design, my favourite of the seven, has much of the content that I had thought about during lectures and seminars. It uses some interesting Flash techniques, which will certainly challenge me to build. However, with some research into typography, colour schemes and general web based ideals, I feel this design will be both individual and interesting for the user. The only weakness I can see up to now is that it bends the brief slightly by using larger Flash based content. I will try and negotiate this though, as I’m really excited about creating this large .SWF piece.
Design 2: Design two uses a type of Flash, which I have been greatly, interesting in, and experimenting with throughout the year, Drag and Drop functions. Again, the page uses a Flash slideshow on the Homepage, which overlaps the navigation bar with an opacity layer. The design is landscape, so navigation and resolution could be a problem with this type of page.
Design 3: The third design uses a type of Flash, which I tried last year, 360-degree rotation. The clothes are displayed on a rail and the user can spin this to select the clothing type they wish to be navigated to. The main page is much more simple, to compensate for the technical Flash pages. A weakness I can see already is keeping the vast amount of content within three pages as stated by the brief. If this design were to be chosen, I would have to consider using some more in depth content Flash to embed objects deeper into the page and to appear only when clicked upon.
Design 4: More HTML based content, with discreet use of Flash, example for the navigation bar and information boxes. Design four would be interesting because it would give me the opportunity to combine Flash pages with PHP, something I believe will be helpful in the near future. However, at this current time, I feel that technically I wouldn’t be developed enough in this area to complete a site with this level of difficulty.
Design 5: The fifth design is inspired by a site I found on the FWA website for a T-shirt company, in which users can rotate models at the bottom of the page, and look all around the products they are wearing. When clicked on the models became larger, with more detailed information about the products they were wearing. This is a clever way to show the user around products, however it would be difficult in my project, because of the availability of the products I am showing, and the time in which I have to take such in depth photographs. Therefore, I reject using such time consuming ideas, however useful this one may be.
Design 6: This design breaks away from the stereotypical male and female page, combining them together in the information page, and then using the remaining page as a model page, in which the user can drag their selected clothing from the information page, onto the model to see how the clothing looks together. As well as being highly interactive, I feel that the design has an element of fun, which will keep the user interested throughout their time on the site.
Design 7: This page was designed to be minimalistic in its appearance. The design is split into a clothing page and shoes page, in which the user scrolls across a range of images, and when they like one, click upon this to take them directly to the site which it comes from e.g. Shoes from Topman. I have rejected the idea, but taken the linking to other sites aspect to my final design stages, as I feel it will be a useful function.

Screenshots of final design (Homepage):

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Smashing Magazine

Really recommend checking this one out. Website has some interesting info on CSS and HTML, but I found it due to the free fonts and typography it has to offer. Check it out you wont be disapointed.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Evaluation of designs (from sketchbook).

I began with some initial sketches of design ideas in lecures, seminars and free time in which I had a pen and paper available. These ideas became exciting and as you can see I have rooted off from these into my seven design proposals, all of which have a range of different Flash aspects, Styles, Sizes, Images and Multimedia. I have tried with my proposals to create a site which meets the brief given at the start of the project. This includes the following;

- A theme in which I can base my ideas upon: This theme for me is fashion. The site will be a collabaration of different high street branded products, packed into one site. The site will act as almost a personal University shop assistant, advising students on the top fashion styles currently in high street shops. These shops will be decided during the final design process.

- Three Flash elements: As you can see from my designs I have managed to design a range of different Flash ideas which will be both interesting to the user and useful in providing interesting content. The designs include drag and drop functions, photo slideshows, interactive scrollbars and animated buttons. The Flash elements will form a basis for my final design. All will be in .swf format for simple exportation.

- Three pages: The design ideas use three pages of content. All have an introduction page, with a loading bar, and then route off to the Mens and Womens pages.

- Maximum size 10mb. The size of the site will clearly be found when I create the final piece, but I am confident that it will not exceed the restricted amount.

With all these considerations in mind I have decided that my favoured design is the first I sketched out. The page begins with a loading bar, which takes the user directly to a page with a large photo slideshow to the left of the page, and a description of what the site is all about to the right of the page. For this page, I will use text which is in a handwritten style as if written by myself. The background will be dark, contrasting with the bright vivid colours of the slideshow images, and the text white. More information on this page will be given later on in my final design process.

Under the information about the site, I will have two animated links which take the user to the desired page, whether male or female. These two pages, will give advice on specific items which are currently popular in the world of fashion. However, this will be done in a clever, different manner to the average site. The clothes will be presented across the page inside a long JPEG image, which the user can scroll across the page to view. This will mean that these pages will be very long to compensate for the content. The JPEG image, will be sorted by the time of the day, for example morning clothes will clearly be loungers or pjs, whereas evening dress is clearly shirts or dresses. This will flow from the left (morning) to the right (evening) with links to different stages to the left of the page. By clicking on these links the user will jump to the different stages of the JPEG image. The interactivity of the JPEG image will invlove the user hovering over a specific part of the JPEG, and a small pop-up box appearing on the image to give information on that specific item of clothing.

I feel that my final design meets the brief given, as well as challenging me to create a piece which is complax yet highly interesting.


Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Just to show that the work is flowing nicely.


Its hard to show work online from an A3 Sketchbook, but heres some stuff I've been doing towards the PUS project (Shauns stuff).

Completed sections of work:


Design Ideas (7 so far)

I'm now in the process of evaluating the finished designs as well as starting to design my final piece. The current aspect I'm working on is the XML photo Slideshow which will be presented on the Homepage. I've also developed a signiture style logo, which will be displayed on all three pages of the site.

My final idea is to create a Homepage with a slideshow and information about content on the site. This will be a personal page to the user, in which they can select then, whether to be taken to the Male or Female part of the site. These two pages will have Flash across the centre which stretches out of the boundaries of the browser, but can be navigated using a set of Flash buttons to get from one side of the site to another. I will put some screenshots of my Photo slideshow up later today, to show how I developed the final piece. The script I have developed for this is shown below.


var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(6000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerF);
function timerF(e:TimerEvent):void{



This will allow the photos to have a delay for six seconds (hence the new Timer(6000) syntax), and then move to the next frame. I will also be adding some transitions between the photos, to make a more professional overall effect.

The next stage of my sketchbook development is to evaluate the seven designs I have drawn up and considered. As you can tell I have already chosen one of these, so this will be the favoured design in my design analysis, however there are aspects of the six other designs that I plan to incorporate into the final design, such as the typography. I am also yet to create my time action plan, which will allow me to ensure I keep on track with the work and not spend too much time on a specific section. This will also include validating and testing sections to my work, as these will be important towards the overall evaluation.

Finally, I will create a Site Plan, which will show aspects of navigation through a flow chart. This way I can ensure that the user can get to any three pages through the page they are on.

This is todays tasks, but in the next few days, I hope to have added a loading bar to my site, as well as begun the Flash piece for displaying the clothing across the Male and Female pages.

Hope everyones projects are going great and I look forward to posting another update in the next few days (sorry again for the delay on this one).

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Flash codes for enbedding into Dreamweaver.

src="INSERT URL SOURCE FILE HERE" width="300" height="300"
pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Alternative content

- For embedding web URL's only, for Flash from desktop etc. use alternative code below:

data="INSERT HERE" width="300" height="120">

Monday, 10 November 2008

Evaluation for Mini project

All in all I'm happy with the outcome of the project David gave us this time, it has allowed me to openly explore the concepts of Flash based web design whilst introducing the vitality of thought processed design and varation.

Although my designs were eventually combined to create one final design, I feel I have met the outlined brief given. I could have perhaps been more concerned with the design process, but again got sucked into the project straight away and tried all of the ideas that came to me, something which I cant do during the major project this term, however I am happy that I have actually LEARNT a number of Flash techniques throughout the duration of this piece.

I feel that my content is well structured and meets the idea of an audience well, as it splits into three sections with content relevant for the specific age groups. These being child, teen and adult. I wish though, I had planned my project more thouroughly so that I could have used the ideas, as well as coming up with more detailed variations not just as sketches but also in my Flash piece.

Also, I feel that I have learnt a great deal of AS3 by carrying out tutorials relevant to the ideas I have had. These tutorials have lead me to gaining a basic understanding of using Flash to make things happen. My previous state in Flash left much to be desired, but with these improvements I was able to expand and become more creative with my piece.

I feel that my interactivity has stretched my previuos ability in a way which hasnt entirely flown over my head, but instead made me appreciate the difficulty with some AS3 techniques, however Im sure I will pick up on these as the projects go on. I am particularly happy with the use of Drag and Drop in a more technical and narrative manner in the project. I also like the way I have used the slideshow of injuries, however hope that I can learn more advanced ways of creating these, as this one wasnt as aethetically successful as I may have wished.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Design Exercise 2 - Interaction Design

For our second project to introduce us to the BA side of Multimedia, we have been asked to create a Flash piece based on the safety of fireworks. I'm currently putting alot of time into my other project on the Fashion website, so this side project has shook me up slightly. But I suppose in the world of Multimedia nothings simple and easy, and work is money. Lets try and have abit of fun with this and gain some further experience using Flash AS3. Below are my intial ideas on the projects content as well as what I plan to achieeve from working on the project.

(interesting to base my designs upon).

Who will the audience be?

I have decided to aim my banner at either Adult's keeping their children safe at Firework displays, specifically garden displays. This will be if I decided to go for my first design idea, of creating a small child character and using movement of objects such as gloves to place on the JPEG image as if protecting the character. This will include sparkler safety.

If I decide to do one aimed at teens then I will take a different approach to design perhaps more harshly orientated through video or images. This will appeal more to this type of audience as it will show the concequaences of not using fireworks safely.

It is important throughout to be aware of how the content will affect different audiences and so I will need to outline and concentrate on just one of these.

What are the designs for the visual appearance?

1) Design one is aimed at children and their parents. It will basically be a child character in the centre of the screen, and use a range of different protective objects, such as a bucket for putting out spparklers or gloves for using them. This design will be easy to impliment to the project, because of its similarity to the last project and how it uses identical aspects. I'd like to go on and try this idea as an experiment, due to its game like approach to teaching children important rules in using fireworks.

2 Variations will be used for this design.

2) The second idea takes a different approach due to the differece in audiences. This time I will create a piece aimed at teens, so the content will have to be different and more harsh due to the fact teens are more likely to use fireworks irresponsibly. My idea is to show a video, created by myself, of teenagers buying fireworks, using them, and a negative result of irresponsibly using fireworks. This way will allow more freedom for content such as language and text, due to the fact I am aiming it at a more mature audience. The design will use narrative and move through a day of a teenager before his life is ruined by using fireworks stupidly.

2 Variations will be used for this design.

3) The final design idea is to use a slideshow of images for adult viewers, showing injuries and deaths resulting from inproper use of fireworks. The images will be combined with text to inform the user about events (I will make them up or perhaps research them if I get time), that have resulted from firework displays gone wrong. The images will not be suitable for children under the age of 18, so I will need to figure out a way to stop users under age looking at the content.

2 Variations will be used for this design.

By designing ideas for three seperate audiences and giving two variations for each, I will be able to meet Davids requirements of 6 individual designs. This will also allow me a range of different interaction ideas. All designs will also be linked to the "safer-fireworks" website, so that the user can gain more information from other sources, if needed.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Panasonic Design Museum. - SOTD.

Panasonic Design Museum.

The new Panasonic website is, as we spoke about earlier in seminar, a simplistic creation in which the designer has clearly considered colour and space choicefully. The Homepage uses an interesting Flash piece on three objects. When clicked upon the year of the certain object, for example the first MP3 player is bought forward and displayed along with stacks of information on the product, like who designed it, why it was designed in that way etc.

The site also has a really nice pop-up naviagation bar on the right of the page, which can take the user to areas related to products such as a timeline or the names of the designers responsible for Panasonics success.

My particular attraction to this site, came with its appearence. I love the bright vivid colours of the old products, contrasting with the grey and darker tones much like what Joel said in the interview we analysed earlier this week. I also like the reflections of the products, as if on a shiny new surface, showing that old and new can come together in perfect alliance.

Finally, I feel that the main reason this site got SOTD on FWA is due to its ease of use. The navigation for the site is perfect and the accessibility has been extremelly well considered in the construction of the site.

Well done Panasonic :)

Jools Journal Task 2 - Personal contact

Using your own personal experience write a few lines to describe how a personal contact has provided a creative opportunity for you...

I have a number of occasions where opportunities have arisen from simply just talking to people about my University course and explaining what it invloves. I remember in the summer break, some bloke came into my work (the co-op) and we started to talk about jobs, Uni and general interests. It turned out that he works in a media building right next to my place of work, so I have applied for work experience in the Christmas break, as well as making a new contact in the world of Multimedia.

Opportunities have also come to me through general talk with friends about my course. I helped my friend Rob create a website to advertise his band, helped a collegue at work advertise her new gym over the Internet and even recieved permission from my Dads work to create a website for their furniture company. So opportunities, however simple they may seem or however boring at first, are really good opportunities to get client experieince as well as more to add to our portfolios.

Referencing Jim Shorthoses book, Fish, Horses and other animals, I can now see why its important to get into contact with as many different species of animal in the ecological cycle of Multimedia as possible, because it is important that we networking with a range of different people, big or small, successful or unsuccessful. These are still learning days.

P.U.S. Personal University Shopper.

P.U.S is a side project I hope to carry on throughout the year, which allows students to browse a range of different clothing brands, including Topman, Burton, River island, All saints etc. all within one site. The site will "mix and match" a range of styles and brands to show students possible ideas for wearing at University or on nights up town.

I feel this idea has sprung from the intial thoughts on creating a fashion site for my current module. However, I'd like to leave that idea for personal use so I can experiment with creating a site set out with my ideas in mind. I'm also on the look out for possible client projects to add to my portfolio, so this site could be a step to networking and advertising myself to the world of Multimedia.

I've already began thinking about content, and some basic ideas about what Flash elements may be included. I will also attempt to feed news of sale updates and new stock from the high street shops into my side using a feed if possible.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Davids work....reposted.

For some reason my post attempt didnt work on Friday so here it is:

(1) Read and comment on the following content in your on-line journal:
Dan Saffer: 'Interaction design is an applied art' August 13, 2008
Joel Schafer: 'I'm into minimalistic clean design' January 15, 2008

Dan Saffer's article clearly shows the value of understanding how life experiences can change our overall perception and ideas into the world of interaction design. Certainly an inspired concept which will be interesting when developing my ideas over the next few years. The idea of bringing something into my work which reflects a personal feeling or life event, could be classified as a trademark of an artist, and individual way of stamping a sign on each piece of work I take on. A particlar segment of the interview struck me as relevant, in that you need a "master", or someone more advanced in the field that we are currently studying to watch us work on certain types of work. For example David's experience in Flash, or Shauns experience with art, will greatly aid us in future work. Saffers thoughts on creating a variety of work and not just sticking to a certain piece, perhaps because you have become attached to it because it was your first "good" idea, is clever and shows us that we should explore Multimedia in a more full process, before jumping into a big designers mistake of impulse creation.

The main feature I took from Joel Schafer's interview was his tips to people like us at the learning stage of life. He basically tells us to explore further into Multimdeia by reading on the field, partucalrly arty mags, look at award sites for ideas on what the market currently has to offer and to always have a plan before starting work, perhaps due to the fact the best of us tend to drift into things we didnt draft at the beginning!

(2) Spend sometime browsing the websites of IDEO, Sony, Apple and our own NOW online workspace. Do not just look at the design (though that is useful); Look at the products and/or services they are talking about or providing and the philosophy of the design approach.

Think about a range of issues about the sites that include:

What does it look like?

Apple: Simple easy to use website with an immediately recognisable interface.
Sony: Not as aethetically pleasing as the apple website but again simple and easily recognised. Could do with better navigation bars!

How easy is it to use?

Apple: I often visit the Apple website as it has updates on products daily and I find it extremelly simple to use.
Sony: Good aold simple and old fashioned web design with navigation bars down the side and at the top. Easy to naviagte.

How relevant is the content of the site?

Apple: Very.
Sony: Very.

How clearly is the content organised?

Apple: Simple and clear enough for the user to know exactly where to go and when to go there. Only problem I ever had was finding the student discount prices! :)
Sony: Categories make it extremelly simple for the user to find what their after.

Provide comments in your online journal based on the above.

(3) For 2 websites with FLASH content from http://www.thefwa.com/ discuss them in your online journal using the same criteria as above.

Farcry 2:

What does it look like?
Begins with a video of game footage, streams slowly even on a strong broadband connection. After a short while when the footage is complete, the user is given a realistic choice game based on two options. If the option is the wrong one, then the user fails. Very good graphically, but again slow streaming and loading times.

How easy is it to use?
Simple to use with single click options on Flash components in the site. The use of hotspots helps the user navigate through the more vital aspects of the site.

How relevant is the content of the site?
Very, gives the user a full insight to the content and directness of the game. Good graphics and sound help to make the experience that bit better.

How clearly is the content organised?
So so, I didnt know what was going on when the video was playing at first, however after waiting a short while and concentrating I realised that this was actually an introduction to the game and bait to lure the user into buying this new game.


What does it look like?
Nice and simple innovative ideas which give the user, again a good chance to see some really effective use of animation. I especially like the way that the user can select a character which he or she wants to use on the site.

How easy is it to use?
Very simple. Clear hotspots, instructions and highlighted areas make it easy for the user to ecperience the site effectively.

How relevant is the content of the site?
Well to say its almost a charity website, not very, however the use of a bear, with clear indications of the content of the site does reflect a certain amount of relecvance towards the user.

How clearly is the content organised?
Well. The site uses a navigation bar at the summit of the page which easily guides the user to different areas of the site in an interactive flow.

(4) Have a look and go at the FLASH tutorial available for FLASH CS3, via a link in top right hand widget on the Exploring Multimedia homepage, do this before the seminar in Week 14 28/10/08.

Some interesting Flash tutorials:

NAE. cheers Craig

Find more photos like this on ONLINE ENVIRONMENTS 2008-9

Last weeks visit to the new art exchange made me realise just how easily art buildings can be found in Nottingham and how it can help us to create some more artisit and inspired work. Clever as.

I love thinking....Idea for this terms project.

Shaun asked us this week to consider something for the content of our work which would inspire us to create a piece more artistic than last years work. I've done some thinking and I've decided, if Shaun agree's with my idea, I'd like to create an artistic Fashion website, aimed at Universtiy students. This would both meet his requirements for creating an artistic piece we would be interested in and would allow me to explore some exciting Flash components and applications. It would also allow me a wide range of researching opportunities to see how websites are developed for this purpose.

Site's Im checking out today....




Great success (Y) :))).

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Test 1

Testing Testing...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Climbing aboard my network train....

I've started researching some companies in and around Nottingham which could possibly be the start of some work experience opportunities. I will put the mind map up tommorow of the companies I have found.

I have also decided to start a database of contacts in the area of Multimedia which I can openly check and update to see if I've had any previous contact with the company or if they are a new fresh opportunity.

I have also visited a number of sites that Linda informed us of and found that the skillsset.org page offers some interesting opportuniteis and ideas for me to explore.

Happy networking everyone!

Nottingham - thenewartexchange.

I've just checked out the newartexchange website and it looks really exciting. Its great to have such opportunities so close to the Universtiy, and I think ideas like this should be more regularly organised.

I'm looking forward to the visit with Uni, but also the events that the place has to offer. I think that it will be interesting to see how the building develops over the years, and I hope to see some of the exciting events it has to offer.

Networking - Social or business?

Jools touched upon a point and asked us in his previous SPP lecture to explore the idea of whether business has blemished its way into the redefining the new era of networking. Networking to me is a word which has a number of meanings, non of which I'm entirely sure are genuine. When I think of networking these days I think Facebook, Myspace and Bebo, sites which have explored a new definitive way of creating social structure within our society.

However, when thought about more deeply I can see where business has taken on board the importance of networking. Its important these days for one to have a number of contacts within the similar field of work as yourself. For example freelance web designers will have a number of clients perhaps who have had work done in the past for a discounted rate, with the promise that the name of the web designer is the shown on the website or if someone asks where they had the site done they advertise the designers name.

It is becoming clearer to me that networking is a combination of self broadcasting of ones work and contacts with businesses around a particular type of network.

Moving back to the point Jools arose in his lecture for us to discuss, I feel that yes, human contact must be present to have networks developing. Companies for example will have people employed to expand their network and advertise their services to other compnaies or organisations. This is where the idea that businesses have explored networking and are starting to exploit it as their own.

In Linda's lecture, she described how networking involves meeting new people and sharing ideas is beneficial. Of course this will greatly help me at this moment in time, because I need to start building a portfolio of ideas as well as contacts already in the industry of Multimedia, so it will be easier after University for me to obtain a job and begin on the long path of my career.

Therefore, I feel that networking is a combination of both social and career bound ideas. We can basically network for any reason if we want to become more known in the industry we have chosen. I personally hope to begin networking with a series of work experience and small project based jobs which will help me develop soft skills vital in my area of Multimedia.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Nottingham Artists.

From Shauns lecture I have decided to branch off and check out some artists in and around Nottingham. Artists these days range from musicians to painters, web designers to sketches, achitects to writers.

The first designer I have to say is an inspiration to me and should be to others to is Paul Smith. Paul Smith is a fashion designer with a unique style developed over years of hard work and effort in his area of expertese. His signiture designs and individual clothing ranges are a result of finding a style that represents him successfully as a designer. When I walk into a shop which sells a range of branded fashion labels, a Paul Smith shirt will stick out clearly from the others because of its individuality in design and style.

With reference to his website, Pauls style developed completely by accident in a life changing event. His career plans at the age of 16 were undecided and his main passion in life was to become a professional racing cyclist. However, after an accident and a spell in hospital, Paul met some friends with a distinctive taste for art, including Warhol, Mondrian and the Rolling Stones. If I were to compare Paul Smiths work in the fashion industry with other artists, I would find the most vibrant and royal looking images, print them off and throw them to the floor in a pattern of colour and vividness, because Pauls ideas and designs are clearly founded in an era which set out the idea of individuality and difference.

Pauls story is an inspiring one, taking a small teenage idea into something which becomes a life changing career opportunity. His worj should inspire us all and show us that by creating something a little different in life which noone has ever seen or heard of, can become something which is huge and we all depend upon.

Shaun's Opening Lecture.


Been a while since the last blog and I apologise. We all have times in our lives where we are confused as to what we want from our education and it took me some time to consider if Multimedia was the direction in which my career is going. Thankfully it is.

Yesterday Shaun gave us an interesting lecture on his section of online environments, web design. His introduction gave me the impression that a major goal for all of us in this second year is to find our creative and artistic sides to combine our technical abilities at making quality results with a more arty twist. In my opinion he hit the nail on the head. My work last year lacked depth and I felt like I was always behind those who had explored their more creative sides.

Shauns fine art, I'm sure will allow us to make some changes to the way we work for the better.

This year I aim to bring some of my stregths to the modules as well as expanding on some of my weaknesses. This would mean exploiting my artistic abilities using photography and improving such work as my Flash skills and drawing.

Shaun asked us to think of an artist who may have a style or artistic flair which I admire. I have chosen Jeff Ascough, a wedding photographer local to me. His photography is a breath of fresh air in the area. By trying a range of different photographic perspectives and techniques, Jeff has developed a style which I wish I could develop myself. This is similar to what Shaun said about finding a "wacky" or different side to our work.

I will certainly this year find myself within Multimedia, something I feel I struggled with last year. Some of Jeff Ascoughs work can be seen below, and I recommend visiting his website, as it uses some fantastic Flash features.

One of my favourite features, the Flash loading bar. The contemporary style used on the page may be something I would like to explore. The simple, yet eye-catching style will be something I want to push into my work this year and perhaps find my style of work to build a portfolio where my work is easily recognised.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008


Heres two design idea things which I did a while back but forgots to blog them. I am now about half way through my final piece, and my design has changed loads. I shall have a Flash piece up later today or early tmoz to show you.

Design 1
Right, I’ve begun my first design stages and as you can see I’ve followed my original idea of panning in from the introduction video to the inside of the cabin. This will allow me to use the video created in the previous project as my AV piece, meaning less work on the interactive side of the project.
In this piece, I have included a range of objects which reflect my identity. These will be interactive so the user can fully experience why I have placed them into my work. I have also included my avatar in this piece as well as a few versions of my band friends, which will have interactive “bio” boxes which appear up above each of their heads.
The design also has a television and radio, in which video clips of film and television and music clips that I enjoy can be seen and listened to. The radio will also act as the mute for the music if the user wishes it to not be playing. There is also a sound on/off button at the bottom of the page.
To bring in the family side to my work, I have used portraits of them on the wall and bio’s similar to those of the avatars in my work. These are positioned each side of the interactive work.
At the back of the stage, I have used a montage of photographs that mean alot to me in life. When clicked on, this opens up an interactive photo album in the foreground. Each image can be clicked on at the bottom of the page to open it in full size.
I also wish to use a small number of animations within my work. This includes on the stage with the band playing, the speakers, the avatar in the foreground waving and my logo.
Finally, I have decided on using a navigation bar at the summit of the page, for easy access to each of the areas I have around the interactive links. This will allow the users to access parts of my work without going through the more complex interactive stages.
Evaluation of Design

I have not yet decided on whether or not to use this design. I was told at my last feedback week to use more than one design idea. Therefore, I have decided that I will complete three or four designs before combining them in a development stage. This basically means that I will take ideas from each of the designs I use and combine them to create a final developed idea. I feel this way I will achieve a better result than when I originally designed my avatar.

Design 2
This design came to me whilst I was at work the other day. I remembered the rope swing at my Grandad’s house and how much time I used to spend here when I was younger. So I began to think how I could incorporate this into my design, in an individual way relevant to how I felt. So I decided it would be effective to use a video of me swinging on the wheel swing with a cardboard box in front of me, which when clicked on took the user to a view inside the box where different things could be viewed.
I feel this idea would be effective as an original piece to show my identity, even though it would be in 2D format, not 3D.
I have again included a navigation bar, which can be used to navigate around the site more effectively. This will be located between the logo and video in the bottom corner. I’m not sure yet how I will use the video at the bottom to my advantage.
Perhaps I could use it as an aid around my site, but I feel that something more abstract would suit the style of this project more effectively.

Evaluation of Design

I really like the appeal of this design. It uses some more advanced techniques, especially with the visual and video technique. It also means I can be more hands on at creating my box, and then use it to my advantage later in the design.
I will certainly be using the videos in my design, as these reflect alot about me as well as showing a more individual take towards the design of this project. I will go on to create two more designs, and then combine the designs to get to the final piece.
I am happy with the progress I am making into the world of design and can’t wait to start creating my final piece.

Monday, 7 April 2008


Sorry about that not sure why it wiped my last update, which is frustrating!. anyway my sketchbook is very nearly complete for my review on Friday, soI will be taking this along with me to show how I have literally gone back tothe drawing board and redeveloped some new ideas. I have alsonearly completed my avatar, and I am much happier with the effort that has been put into this result. I plan now to start to expand the ideas in my current sketchbook to explore the interactives stage. I have already began some very basic sketches on the room I will be using for my idea.

Thanks James x

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Sketchbook update.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Over Easter...

Right the plan is; the redesign of my avatar from the feedback given during my assessment presentation. I was told that my worked lacked development, so I have decided to purchase a new sketchbook and work on the redesign of a new avatar, using a similar ideas as before, but adding and amending important attributes to reveal more about me as a person. This will be done over Easter, alongside my interactives project which will involve me sketching up some ideas for my cabin design. I have also began developing the avatars which will act as my freinds in my work, and animating these.

My cabin design will be based on an idea that I have thought about over the last few weeks. My intro video (the previous project), ends with the camera panning around the indie of the cabin. This will be cut from the video, and the music will change into some songs that reveal the choice of music I favour. The user will then start outside the door, with the music sounding distant. Although the cabin looks small from the outside, when the user clicks on the door it will open into a large music style venue, where all my friends will greet the avatar the user is in the first person view of (i.e. my avatar). These friend avatar will be similar in design to mine, however, I will use small aspects of their idenitity within their piece. Of course, I wont be spending too much time on this as it is about my identity, but I felt it was a good idea to show the importance and relevance of friends within my work.
When the user is in the cabin, a series of repeated animations, such as dancing avatars, drinking avatars, instrument playing avatars will be shown, until the next click, perhaps a choice of where the user wants to go within the cabin. This could be over to my family, over to my close friends, to get a drink, to watch the band etc. There will also be aspects such as the AV part of this project incorporated into the cabin environment.

My idea for the AV, is to return back to the outside world to reveal some inner parts of my identity. For example, I thought about using the mountains, not only to show my interest in climbing and hiking, but also to show my aspirations in life, such as career goals. So as the avatar climbs, the opacity of the video increases whilst a flashes of these goals are shown perhaps?

Alot of work to be done, but im thoroughly looking forward to the challenge. I will be blogging regurlaly so keep checking out my progress into the second part of the identities project. Leave any comments you feel could help my work.

Thanks Scotty x

Sunday, 9 March 2008

final video:)

Friday, 7 March 2008

video first draft, one seperate render to be added

this is the first draft of the video, which will bring the user into my box from the environment. There is still one section of video to add, where the camera sweeps across the environment, and to the small cabin that will represent my box. This will be where the piece becomes interactive, and navigation is given to the user. The video also includes the audio, that was finished yesterday with my friend from confetti music college.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


Took just under 6 hours to render, but here is the first flythrough of my environment, created using 3Dmax and Vue 6. I'm well happy with the progress so far. This video, or a longer version, will be used before I enter a cabin (my box). The cabin will be filled with my idenity and the interactives part of my project. This will include a clutter of objects and images, that reveal things about my identity, as well as some interactive objects that can be played around with using Flash. Basically, the video below is to show the environment I have created for my avatar, before entering the interactive box he will be found within. My next stage will be to create a series of animations for my avatar which can be used around the environment I have created. Really excited about doing this as my avatar should be rather interesting to animate.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Looking at some other guys designs.

Right, I need to see where I am in relation with some other peoples designs, to make sure I'm hitting the right sort of standards in my work. When I'm bored, I often look through a number of journals on reflective journal, to see how other people are doning with their work. I must say that the first person I always seem to click on is Kane, because he has regular updates, and high standards of work are being produced on his part, which inspires me to do the same. Kane's avatar is based on himself in what I'd class as realistic. His avatar shows him as I would percieve him in the real world.

His props such as his trainers and skateboard, add well to the idenitity of his avatar.

The next blog, I came across today as an update was Will's. His avatar, tells me he is very much into gaming. His use of a game character like design, opens his ideas up so he can create a variety of different idenity aspects within his work. Whilst using this method he has still managed to successfully keep a realistic side to his work.

Finally, Leanne's design, from my tutorial group, shows her creative artistic side. Her character very much resembles how I percieve her in the real world, showing some of her animation and gaming design aspects within her work. This really works well, and I specifically looking forward to seeing the animations in Leanne's work, as I feel her creative side will appear in the personailty of her avatar.

By looking at others work, although my design may not be as visually realistic as these, or even as complex, I have portrayed my idenity in ways similar to the other designs I have seen.